Stephen Johnson Expert & Arbitration Services
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Former head of claims Stephen Johnson is a product of the insurance industry. Following law school and private practice, in the 1980s and 1990s he directed defenses of bad faith and coverage litigation nationally as an insurance company executive and developed a keen sense for litigation strategies and claim handling analyses. In those years, Stephen was also responsible for claims compliance, training, claims auditing, reinsurance and recommending claims handling procedures. In the 2000s and 2010s he went on to become a two-time chief claims executive, with all claims personnel and functions reporting to him. He was on boards of directors and in the C-Suite of insurers. As the apex claims officer, Stephen had sole responsibility for knowing and applying best industry claims handling practices and standards for his claims staffs which made him a claims customs and practices expert long before he started expert witnessing. Given his industry level, he enjoys advantages in battles of customs and practices experts in insurance cases. He has experted in five time zones, across a variety of disputes in dozens of states. His 41-year attorney roots and public speaking experience help him in understanding and addressing issues presented in litigation and arbitration and performing expert witness functions at high levels. His expert clients have included insurers, TPAs, policyholders/insureds, and agent/brokers. Stephen enjoys experting on both sides of the aisle. Stephen sought to become “an expert on experting,” and has delivered multiple CLE presentations, course papers and articles. Additionally, Stephen is available as an arbitrator/umpire.
The Use (and Mis-Use) of Experts in Insurance Litigation: A Practical Guide
Monday, February 19, 2024